Glenshaw Valley Presbyterian Church is a church for people of all ages and
backgrounds. Young or old, healthy or sick, rich or poor; we seek to be relevant
to everyone who walks into our beautiful sanctuary.
Our church has been a vital part of the community for more than 100 years. Our church was born in the 19th century, flourished in the 20th century and has entered into the 21st century. Not many churches can claim such an illustrious history. We are very proud of our past, yet we are seeking new ways to minister to the people around us. We must be prepared for the future God has for us!
We are a family-oriented church with people of various ages. We are seeking to be relevant to everyone who walks into our beautiful sanctuary, whether young or old, sick or healthy, rich or poor. You are welcome to worship with us on any given Sunday. There is a place for you to serve God, or you can relax in our worship service and let God minister to your soul as you seek direction in a complex world.
The love, mercy, and salvation of Jesus Christ are open to you. As part of the church worldwide, we hope you will join us in worship, service, and fellowship.
We are currently in transition looking for a new pastor. Our previous pastor took a new call in Ohio. However we are blessed to have Rev. Tom Clifton as a regular guest minister.
Rev. Tom Clifton
He was born in St. Louis and was ordained for ministry at age 24, following college and seminary. He has been an associate minister, senior pastor, seminary president and, for the last 20 years, an interim pastor or supply minister in American Baptist and Presbyterian Churches. Tom earned the degree, Doctor of Ministry, in 1982, from Princeton Theological Seminary. Tom is married to Audrey Vought Clifton, a retired English teacher and they are parents to two adult children and grandparents to three adult grandchildren. Tom’s favorite hobby is golf and the discovery of a great movie or PBS series on TV. The Cliftons have lived in Glenshaw for 19 years.
Clerk of Session: Clifford Huff
Chair of Deacons: B.J. Morrison
Christian Education: B.J. Morrison
Women's Association: B.J. Morrison